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Discount Pharms Cannabis Blog

How to Test Hemp

How to Test Hemp – Get Your Harvest Certified

In a CBD market saturated with new products and brands, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. One thing that can set you apart will be verified and trusted testing of your flower or product and the capabilities to show a valid certificate of analysis. With the Farm Bill

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Hemp Harvest

My Hemp is Ready to Harvest – What Next?

Your garden has flourished, flowered and your hemp is ready for harvest. It’s time to take down your buds and begin to process. But, how should you start? That answer depends on how your flower will be distributed and sold. Let’s review a beginner’s guide to drying, trimming and packaging

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Autoflower Seeds Guide

Beginner’s Guide to Autoflower Hemp Seeds

Autoflower hemp seeds are trending among many farmers for the benefits they offered versus standard seeds. But what exactly are autoflower hemp seeds, and how do they differ from traditional hemp seeds? We hope you’ll find our guide to autoflower hemp seeds useful. Autoflower means just that…the seeds will automatically

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Can CBD Help Acne

Can CBD Help Acne?

CBD oil is a newly popular extract of hemp plants. The substance does not cause psychoactive effects like THC does, making it perfectly legal. In fact, the oil is derived of cannabinoids, a naturally occuring chemical within our own bodies. But can CBD help acne? Our own endocannabinoid system influences

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Clones for Sale Los Angeles

Clones for Sale Los Angeles

Its springtime, you’re in a cannabis-friendly state currently offering tremendous potential for any driven individual with a sense of opportunity. You think to yourself, “but where do I get my clones if I want to begin growing legal cannabis and/or hemp?” Is the question many growers ask themselves when approaching

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CBG Hemp Flower

CBG Hemp Flower

Medical cannabis research seeks to unlock the potential of cannabinoids in terms of medical benefits. Despite the humble beginnings characterized by illegal status and vilification, cannabis is becoming accepted more and more as a medical solution. This growing acceptance opens the doors for scientists to research and understand exactly how

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How to Read a CBD Lab Report

How to Read a CBD Lab Report

If you’ve ever investigated CBD, or any CBD-based products like CBD oil, vapes, tincture, and edibles, you’ve probably heard something about the importance of third-party lab testing. Here, we’ll go over exactly what you need to learn to know how to read a CBD lab report. What Are Third Party

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High CBD Hemp Seeds

High CBD Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are derived from the hemp plant. This is a variety of the Cannabis sativa family of plants which is endemic to the Northern hemisphere. The seeds contain high amounts of the Cannabinoids otherwise known as the CBD. Some of the common strains of the hemp seeds are Amnesia

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History of Hemp

History of Hemp for Medicinal Use

Slowly but surely, people are starting to appreciate the many health benefits that hemp may have to offer. Let’s take a look at the history of hemp for medicinal use. Until the craze of prohibition over the last century or so, hemp was widely used across the world not just

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Growing Clones – Which Clones Grow Best in My Area?

Looking to jump-start your hemp and cannabis clone farm, but you do not know where and how to get started? Well, you are not alone as many people out there have similar concerns, and this article will provide you with much needed information. It is important to note that all

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Hemp Trimming Equipment and Services

Hemp Trimming Equipment & Services

There is never a winner in the never-ending debate of machine trimming versus hand trimming. However, it is quite evident that hemp trimming equipment and services produce much better results as compared to manual trimming. Moreover, the labor effort put in during hand trimming reduces when using hemp trimming equipment.

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Hemp Processing Equipment

Hemp Processing Equipment

With the many uses of cannabis, knowing the different types of hemp processing equipment and information about them is necessary. Since hemp belongs to the cannabis sativa class, knowing the correct information about it is also important. This plant is usually harvested and processed for the many beneficial products that

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