Clones for Sale Los Angeles

Clones for Sale Los Angeles
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Its springtime, you’re in a cannabis-friendly state currently offering tremendous potential for any driven individual with a sense of opportunity.

You think to yourself, “but where do I get my clones if I want to begin growing legal cannabis and/or hemp?”

Is the question many growers ask themselves when approaching the springtime, or practically anytime during the harvest season when growing legal cannabis and hemp. Back in the day (before legal times) cannabis growers would source their strains from other locals via word of mouth, through a friend, or potentially grow themselves if not able to find a clone grower with know-how.

Fast-forward to the 21st century, cannabis is finally legal, and the country is booming with legal cannabis and hemp opportunity. These days it’s more than sourcing clones through “a friend” or trying to grow yourself, these days you have access to some of the worlds best clones for sale. The internet is allowing customers to source the best local clone genetics, strains, seeds, and beautiful clones ready to make the local farms tremendous amounts of money come to the grow-season.

Clone Purchase Program

Did you know it makes more sense financially to grow your clones off-site vs onsite if your space is limited? Maximizing your cannabis canopy should remain your top priority and using a local company to grow your clones off-site means by the time you cut your clones down, you will have clones ready and moments away from flowering.

We suggest working with a local cloner, one you have found through Discount Pharms or through a local dispensary who can vouch for the clone company. Many states are requiring clone companies to begin their wholesale clone licensing process with local counties and are taking a pro-active approach come 2018 cloning season.

Buy Cannabis Clones Online

So you’ve found the best company to purchase your clones from

You have heard from the company themselves, you’ve met with them, told them you will need your clones to be ready by X-date, now what? Do you wait until they are ready before you check in on them?

Absolutely not!

The first time you purchase clones from a company, schedule a normal time they should expect you to stop by any review the progress of your clones – after all, these are an investment right? Would you let your stock sit around without checking in on it as well?

The Clones I Just Purchased Have Issues!

Don’t get too stuck on bugs, mildew, or other early issues with your clones. Accidents happen. Most cloners will exchange your clones and/ or refund your money (at least the guys we deal with do that) It’s unethical/ immoral to do the contrary, especially in this industry where someone’s word goes further than in others. Sometimes clones sit in a truck for a long transport and pick up a bug on the route, or they are forced to stay in the truck overnight causing some mildew issues – these are things that we all try and mitigate, but sadly the truth is accidents happen.

We suggest not going on Yelp immediately, but calling the company and finding a resolution for the mishap – fortunately most companies will honor this and offer an exchange.