Pros and Cons of CBD Oil for Anxiety

Pros and Cons of CBD Oil for Anxiety
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With an ever rising population of individuals with anxiety and panic attacks, scientists and researchers have had to be extended about the search for a remedy which is effective in managing them. Anxiety, though a natural response that can be beneficial during some incidences, can become counteractive to the maintenance of our health as human beings if it occurs unchecked. Today, the ever-changing environment and living standards have caused a surge in anxiety levels overall. So what are the pros and cons of CBD oil for anxiety treatment?

Some of the manufactured medication on the market has proven to be effective in the management of anxiety. However, these medications also bring about a myriad of side effects, the most commonly reported ones being irregular sleeping patterns, nausea, headaches, and a reduced concentration. The observations made from the use of these drugs has directed research into more natural methods of managing panic and anxiety. A specific oil – cannabidiol – shows substantial evidence for its effectiveness in treating the same condition.

Evidence of CBD Effectiveness For Anxiety Treatment

There have been various small-scale studies on the effectiveness of CBD use in humans, some of which have produced some positive results. The results of these tests have generally favored the result of CBD on patients with a social anxiety disorder (SAD), sleep disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Results of CBD on other stress disorders have majorly been observed in animals and not human beings.

“Let’s Rewind: What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?”

Cannabidiol is one of many cannabinoids that can be extracted from the marijuana and hemp plants. CBD stands out from other cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) because its use does not result in any feeling of intoxication – commonly known as the “high” effect – that is experienced with the use of cannabis. Contrarily, CBD is thought to be effective in inhibiting this high efficiency in its users.

CBD for Anxiety

How It Works

CBD works by the exertion of various actions on your nervous system which has been observed to encourage calm and reverse anxiety effects. It is important to note that most of the studies that have been carried out are preclinical and have primarily involved animal subjects rather than human. However, there have been various reports from human consumers which have fueled more examination of the extract.

Anxiety has been linked to a type of serotonin sub-receptors within the brain known as the 5HT1A receptor. These receptors are responsible for reabsorption of serotonin in the brain, which is a key trigger for anxiety. Traditional medications are developed to be serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and work to prevent this reabsorption of serotonin. By inhibiting this reabsorption, the brain can transmit more serotonin signals away from itself, reducing the risk of anxiety and panic attacks.

CBD works in a slightly similar fashion as SSRIs, except while SSRIs are built to prevent reabsorption of serotonin, CBD works by encouraging the transmission of these serotonin signals from the brain rather than simply blocking reabsorption.

Side Effects

Compared to other forms of anxiety medication, CBD shows less serious side effects from its use. the most commonly reported side effects include gastrointestinal discomfort, dry mouth, and fatigue. Nonetheless, cannabidiol shows a promising natural remedy for a myriad of anxiety disorders and scientists are constantly looking for ways of making it safer to use. The pros of CBD oil for anxiety far outweigh the cons in our opinion.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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